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mlr: Receive JSON and format the output as vertical JSON.
$ echo '{"hello":"world", "foo":"bar"}' | mlr --ijson --ojson --jvstack cat
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This command performs the following actions:

  1. echo '{"hello":"world", "foo":"bar"}': This part of the command uses the echo command to output the specified JSON string: {"hello": "world", "foo": "bar"}. The output is then passed to the next part of the command through a pipeline (|).

  2. mlr --ijson --ojson --jvstack cat: The mlr command is a powerful command-line tool for processing structured data like CSV, JSON, etc. In this particular command, the following options are provided:

    • --ijson: Specifies that the input format is JSON.
    • --ojson: Specifies that the output format should be JSON.
    • --jvstack: Adds a virtual stack field named "jvstack" which records the field names for nested JSON objects.

    The cat verb simply outputs the input data without making any modifications.

So, overall, this command takes a JSON string as input, processes it using the mlr command, and outputs the same JSON string while utilizing the specified options like input/output format and the addition of the "jvstack" field for nested JSON objects.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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