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mmdc: Specify the theme of the chart.
$ mmdc --input ${input-mmd} --output ${output-svg} --theme ${select}
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The given command is using a tool called mmdc to convert a Mermaid diagram (MMD) file into an SVG format file. Let's break it down:

  • mmdc: It is the command-line tool for the Mermaid diagram compiler (mmdc).
  • --input ${input-mmd}: This flag specifies the input MMD file. The ${input-mmd} is likely a placeholder for the actual input MMD file name, which you would need to replace with the actual file name/path.
  • --output ${output-svg}: This flag indicates the output file format and specifies the name of the resulting SVG file. Here, ${output-svg} is again a placeholder, and it should be substituted with the desired output file name/path.
  • --theme ${select}: This flag defines the theme or visual style to be applied to the generated SVG file. The ${select} is most likely another placeholder representing a theme name. You would have to replace it with the desired theme name, such as default or forest.

To use this command correctly, you need to replace the placeholder variables with the actual file names/paths and theme name you want to apply. For example, if your input MMD file is called diagram.mmd, you want the output SVG file as output.svg, and you want to apply the forest theme, the command would look like this:

mmdc --input diagram.mmd --output output.svg --theme forest
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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