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List of commands for mmv:

  • mmv:tldr:8311f mmv: Append all `.txt` files into one file.
    $ mmv -a "${*-txt}" "${all-txt}"
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  • mmv:tldr:b3dd5 mmv: Convert dates in filenames from "M-D-Y" format to "D-M-Y" format.
    $ mmv "${[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-txt}" "${#3#4-#1#2-#5#6#7#8-txt}"
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  • mmv:tldr:f44a6 mmv: Rename all files with a certain extension to a different extension.
    $ mmv "*${-old_extension}" "#1${-new_extension}"
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  • mmv:tldr:fd753 mmv: Copy `report6part4.txt` to `./french/rapport6partie4.txt` along with all similarly named files.
    $ mmv -c "${report*part*-txt}" "${--french-rapport#1partie#2-txt}"
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