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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mmv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


mmv is a command line tool used for mass-renaming multiple files simultaneously. It stands for "Mass Move and Rename." Its primary purpose is to provide a simple and efficient way to rename multiple files using patterns, wildcards, and regular expressions.

mmv allows you to specify a source pattern and a target pattern, and it automatically renames the files accordingly. The patterns can contain placeholders to capture parts of the source filename and use them in the target filename.

This tool is especially useful when you want to rename a large number of files following a specific naming convention or when you need to change file extensions in batch. It supports complex renaming operations, including case conversions, adding prefixes or suffixes, deleting characters, and reordering parts of the filename.

mmv offers various options to fine-tune the renaming process, such as interactive mode, which asks for confirmation before renaming each file, or silent mode, which suppresses any output. Additionally, it provides an option to preview the renaming changes without actually renaming the files.

mmv is a flexible and powerful tool that simplifies the task of renaming multiple files in Linux and Unix-like systems, making it a popular choice among users who need to manage large sets of files and directories efficiently.

List of commands for mmv:

  • mmv:tldr:8311f mmv: Append all `.txt` files into one file.
    $ mmv -a "${*-txt}" "${all-txt}"
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  • mmv:tldr:b3dd5 mmv: Convert dates in filenames from "M-D-Y" format to "D-M-Y" format.
    $ mmv "${[0-1][0-9]-[0-3][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-txt}" "${#3#4-#1#2-#5#6#7#8-txt}"
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  • mmv:tldr:f44a6 mmv: Rename all files with a certain extension to a different extension.
    $ mmv "*${-old_extension}" "#1${-new_extension}"
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  • mmv:tldr:fd753 mmv: Copy `report6part4.txt` to `./french/rapport6partie4.txt` along with all similarly named files.
    $ mmv -c "${report*part*-txt}" "${--french-rapport#1partie#2-txt}"
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