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mocha: Run tests on changes to JavaScript files in the current directory and once initially.
$ mocha --watch
try on your machine

The command "mocha --watch" is used to run the Mocha test framework in "watch" mode.

Mocha is a popular JavaScript test framework that provides a simple and flexible way to structure and run tests in Node.js and browsers. It supports various test styles (such as BDD and TDD) and provides functionalities like test suites, test cases, hooks, and assertions.

When you run the command "mocha --watch", Mocha starts running in "watch" mode. This means that it will automatically detect changes in the test files or the code being tested and rerun the specified tests without the need for manual intervention.

In watch mode, Mocha continuously monitors the specified test files and their dependencies for any updates or changes. As soon as a change is detected, it reruns the associated test suite or cases, providing near-instant feedback on the test results. This is especially useful during development as it saves time and effort by eliminating the need to manually trigger tests after every code change.

Overall, the "mocha --watch" command allows developers to have an efficient and automated test workflow, ensuring that tests are automatically rerun whenever changes are made to the code being tested, thereby improving the development process and aiding in catching errors and regressions quickly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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