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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mocha. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mocha is a command line tool used for running tests in JavaScript.

  1. Mocha is a popular testing framework that runs on Node.js and in the browser.
  2. It provides a simple and flexible way to write and execute tests for JavaScript applications.
  3. Mocha supports various testing styles including BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) and TDD (Test-Driven Development).
  4. It allows you to write tests in a highly readable and expressive manner using descriptive language constructs.
  5. Mocha provides a rich set of features, such as support for asynchronous testing, mocking, and code coverage reporting.
  6. It supports multiple testing frameworks like Chai, Should.js, and Expect.js, allowing you to choose the assertion style that fits your preference.
  7. Mocha's test runner detects and runs test files automatically, making it easy to keep your tests organized.
  8. It has built-in support for generating detailed test reports with informative output and error messages.
  9. Mocha's modular design lets you easily integrate it with other tools and libraries in your development workflow.
  10. Overall, Mocha is a powerful and versatile command line tool that simplifies the process of writing and running tests for JavaScript applications.

List of commands for mocha:

  • mocha:tldr:3ea56 mocha: Run tests on changes to JavaScript files in the current directory and once initially.
    $ mocha --watch
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  • mocha:tldr:5ab49 mocha: Run tests with a specific reporter.
    $ mocha --reporter ${reporter}
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  • mocha:tldr:99a64 mocha: Run tests contained at a specific location.
    $ mocha ${directory-with-tests}
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  • mocha:tldr:db218 mocha: Run tests with default configuration or as configured in `mocha.opts`.
    $ mocha
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  • mocha:tldr:fa7fa mocha: Run tests that match a specific grep pattern.
    $ mocha --grep ${regular_expression}
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