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monodis: List all the methods in an assembly.
$ monodis --method ${path-to-assembly-exe}
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The command "monodis --method ${path-to-assembly-exe}" is used to disassemble a method in a .NET assembly using the Mono Disassembler (monodis). Here is a breakdown of each part:

  • "monodis": It refers to the Mono Disassembler, a tool provided by the Mono framework that allows you to disassemble .NET assemblies.
  • "--method": This option specifies that you want to disassemble a particular method within the assembly.
  • "${path-to-assembly-exe}": It represents the path to the .NET assembly executable file that you want to disassemble.

By running this command and replacing "${path-to-assembly-exe}" with the actual path to the assembly executable file, you will receive the disassembled code of the method specified. The Mono Disassembler will decompile the bytecode in the assembly into a more readable intermediate language (IL) code for inspection and analysis.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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