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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool monodis. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Monodis is a command-line tool used for reverse engineering and inspecting Mono framework assemblies. It is a disassembler that allows users to analyze and understand the inner workings of .NET applications written using the Mono framework.

The tool accepts as input compiled Mono applications in executable or DLL format and outputs the disassembled code in a human-readable format. This disassembled code includes the intermediate language (IL) instructions that the Mono runtime executes.

Monodis provides a detailed overview of the assembly structure, metadata, and IL code. It displays information about types, fields, methods, and their corresponding IL instructions. It enables users to view the IL code for a particular method, analyze control flow, and understand the implementation logic.

One of the key features of Monodis is its ability to display both annotated and raw IL code. Annotated IL presents the disassembled code with additional comments and labels to improve readability. Raw IL, on the other hand, displays the original IL instructions as-is without any modifications or interpretations.

Monodis has various command-line options that allow users to specify the level of detail they want to see in the disassembled output. It supports flags to control output formatting, verbose mode, filtering options, and more.

Users can also pipe the output of Monodis to other tools for further analysis or processing. This flexibility enables incorporating Monodis into automated scripts, build processes, or larger reverse engineering workflows.

The tool is part of the Mono framework and is available on multiple platforms, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It is a powerful utility for developers, security researchers, and anyone interested in exploring the internals of Mono applications.

List of commands for monodis:

  • monodis:tldr:4ba7c monodis: List the references of an assembly.
    $ monodis --assemblyref ${path-to-assembly-exe}
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  • monodis:tldr:718e2 monodis: Save the output to a file.
    $ monodis --output=${path-to-output-il} ${path-to-assembly-exe}
    try on your machine
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  • monodis:tldr:93fed monodis: Show information about an assembly.
    $ monodis --assembly ${path-to-assembly-dll}
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  • monodis:tldr:99f34 monodis: List all the methods in an assembly.
    $ monodis --method ${path-to-assembly-exe}
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  • monodis:tldr:a4dc6 monodis: Show a list of resources embedded within an assembly.
    $ monodis --manifest ${path-to-assembly-dll}
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  • monodis:tldr:ccc7e monodis: Extract all the embedded resources to the current directory.
    $ monodis --mresources ${path-to-assembly-dll}
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  • monodis:tldr:f1652 monodis: Disassemble an assembly to textual CIL.
    $ monodis ${path-to-assembly-exe}
    try on your machine
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tool overview