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monodis: Disassemble an assembly to textual CIL.
$ monodis ${path-to-assembly-exe}
try on your machine

The command "monodis" is a utility in the Mono framework that is used to disassemble .NET assemblies. It takes the path to a .NET assembly (usually an .exe or .dll file) as an argument and generates a human-readable textual representation of the assembly's Intermediate Language (IL) code.

The ${path-to-assembly-exe} placeholder should be replaced with the actual path to the .NET assembly file you want to disassemble.

When you run the "monodis" command with the path to an assembly, it will output the assembly's IL code, including information about types, methods, fields, properties, and instructions used in the code. This can be helpful for inspecting how an assembly was compiled, reverse engineering, or understanding the inner workings of a .NET application or library.

Note that the "monodis" command is specific to the Mono framework, which is an open-source implementation of the .NET framework. If you are using the official .NET framework, you can use a similar tool called "ildasm" (IL Disassembler) to achieve the same result.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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