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mosquitto_pub: Publish timestamp and temperature data on the topic `sensors/temperature` to a remote host on a non-standard port.
$ mosquitto_pub -h ${192-168-1-1} -p ${1885} -t ${sensors-temperature} -m "${1266193804 32}"
try on your machine

The command you provided is a command-line instruction for the mosquitto_pub tool.

Here is how each part of the command is used:

  • mosquitto_pub: This is the command itself, which is used to publish messages to an MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) broker.

  • -h ${192-168-1-1}: The -h flag is used to specify the MQTT broker's hostname or IP address. In this case, it seems like the hostname or IP address is being dynamically substituted using the ${192-168-1-1} syntax. The actual value might be something like "", which represents the IP address of the broker.

  • -p ${1885}: The -p flag is used to specify the port number on which the MQTT broker is listening. Similar to the previous argument, ${1885} appears to be dynamically replaced with the actual value, such as "1885".

  • -t ${sensors-temperature}: The -t flag is used to specify the topic to which the message will be published. Again, ${sensors-temperature} suggests the topic name is substituted at runtime with the corresponding value, for instance, "sensors-temperature". Topics in MQTT are used to categorize and route messages within the messaging system.

  • -m "${1266193804 32}": The -m flag is used to define the payload message that will be sent to the MQTT broker. It appears to be a string value enclosed in double quotes. The content of the message could be "${1266193804 32}", suggesting that you want to publish a message with the timestamp "1266193804" and the temperature value "32".

Please note that some of the values were inferred based on common conventions and assumptions. The actual values may differ depending on your specific use case.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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