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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mosquitto_pub. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mosquitto_pub is a command-line tool used for publishing MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) messages. It is a part of the Mosquitto MQTT broker, which is widely used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications.

  1. Mosquitto_pub allows users to send messages to a specified MQTT broker.
  2. It is available on various platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  3. The tool offers flexibility in defining the message payload and quality of service (QoS) level for data transmission.
  4. Users can publish both plain text messages and messages with custom data formats.
  5. Mosquitto_pub supports three QoS levels: QoS 0 (at most once delivery), QoS 1 (at least once delivery), and QoS 2 (exactly once delivery).
  6. It allows users to define the MQTT topic to which the message needs to be published.
  7. The tool supports both encrypted and unencrypted communication using various transport protocols, including TCP, SSL/TLS, and WebSocket.
  8. Mosquitto_pub offers options to set authentication credentials for secure communication, including username-password authentication and client certificates.
  9. It provides verbose output, making it easier to monitor the message publication process and debug any issues.
  10. Mosquitto_pub is often used in conjunction with other command-line tools like Mosquitto_sub (for subscribing to MQTT topics) and Mosquitto_passwd (for managing password files).

Overall, mosquitto_pub is a powerful and versatile command-line tool for publishing MQTT messages, enabling seamless communication in IoT systems.

List of commands for mosquitto_pub:

  • mosquitto_pub:tldr:19819 mosquitto_pub: Send the contents of a file (`data.txt`), by reading from `stdin` and send the entire input as a message and publish it to `sensors/temperature` topic.
    $ mosquitto_pub -t ${sensors-temperature} -s < ${data-txt}
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  • mosquitto_pub:tldr:93da2 mosquitto_pub: Publish timestamp and temperature data on the topic `sensors/temperature` to a remote host on a non-standard port.
    $ mosquitto_pub -h ${192-168-1-1} -p ${1885} -t ${sensors-temperature} -m "${1266193804 32}"
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  • mosquitto_pub:tldr:cca3e mosquitto_pub: Publish light switch status and retain the message on the topic `switches/kitchen_lights/status` to a remote host because there may be a long period of time between light switch events.
    $ mosquitto_pub -r -h "${iot-eclipse-org}" -t ${switches-kitchen_lights-status} -m "${on}"
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  • mosquitto_pub:tldr:d51af mosquitto_pub: Publish a temperature value of 32 on the topic `sensors/temperature` to (defaults to `localhost`) with Quality of Service (`QoS`) set to 1.
    $ mosquitto_pub -h ${192-168-1-1} -t ${sensors-temperature} -m ${32} -q ${1}
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  • mosquitto_pub:tldr:f34db mosquitto_pub: Send the contents of a file (`data.txt`) as a message and publish it to `sensors/temperature` topic.
    $ mosquitto_pub -t ${sensors-temperature} -f ${data-txt}
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