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mount: Show all mounted filesystems.
$ mount
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The "mount" command is used in operating systems to attach or connect a file system (such as a hard drive, USB drive, or network share) to a specific directory in order to make the files and directories within that file system accessible to the system and its users.

When you use the "mount" command, you specify the source device or file system that you want to mount, along with the target directory where you want to attach it. The command also includes any optional parameters or options that control how the mounting process should behave.

For example, the basic syntax of the mount command in Unix-like systems is:

mount [options] device_or_partition mount_point
  • "options" may include flags like read-only (ro), read-write (rw), no-exec (does not allow execution of binaries), or no-access-time (does not update access times on files).
  • "device_or_partition" refers to the physical or logical device that represents the file system you want to mount. It could be something like /dev/sda1 for a specific partition on a hard drive or a network share address like //servername/sharename.
  • "mount_point" is the directory on the file system where you want to attach the file system.

Once the "mount" command is executed successfully, the file system becomes accessible through the specified directory, and you can access, read, write, and manipulate files and directories within that file system as if they are part of the local file system.

It's important to note that the "mount" command typically requires administrative or superuser privileges, depending on the operating system and its configuration, as mounting and unmounting partitions/devices could have system-wide implications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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