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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool mount. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Mount is a command line tool used in operating systems to mount file systems onto directories in the file system hierarchy. It is primarily used to make a file system accessible and usable by the operating system and its users.

  1. The mount command allows the user to attach a storage device or a network file system to a specified directory.
  2. It enables the operating system to access the files and folders stored within the mounted file system.
  3. Mounting a file system creates a link between the device or network location and the directory in the file system where it is mounted.
  4. This tool is commonly used to access external storage devices such as USB drives, external hard disks, and DVD/Blu-ray drives.
  5. It can also be used to mount network file systems like NFS (Network File System) or CIFS (Common Internet File System).
  6. The mount command supports various options and parameters to customize the mounting process, such as specifying file system types, granting read/write permissions, setting mount points, etc.
  7. To mount a file system, administrative privileges are often required, so it is commonly used with the 'sudo' command.
  8. The mounted file system becomes an integral part of the operating system's file hierarchy, allowing users and applications to interact with it just like any other directory.
  9. Once a file system is mounted, files can be read from and written to it, and applications can use it for storing and accessing data.
  10. The corresponding command to unmount a file system and detach it from the directory is 'umount', which ensures that resources are properly released and the file system is safely disconnected.

List of commands for mount:

  • mount:tldr:0be9f mount: Mount a share to the next available drive letter.
    $ mount \\${computer_name}\${share_name} *
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  • mount:tldr:19822 mount: Show all mounted filesystems.
    $ mount
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  • mount:tldr:3f122 mount: Mount a share with a read timeout in seconds (defaults to 0.8, can be 0.9 or 1 to 60).
    $ mount -o timeout=${seconds} \\${computer_name}\${share_name} ${Z:}
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  • mount:tldr:5f593 mount: Mount a share with forced case sensitivity.
    $ mount -o casesensitive \\${computer_name}\${share_name} ${Z:}
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  • mount:tldr:7888a mount: Mount a specific filesystem described in `/etc/fstab` (e.g. `/dev/sda1 /my_drive ext2 defaults 0 2`).
    $ mount ${-my_drive}
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  • mount:tldr:84510 mount: Mount a share using a specific mount type.
    $ mount -o mtype=${select} \\${computer_name}\${share_name} ${Z:}
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  • mount:tldr:9f7a2 mount: Mount all the filesystem defined in `/etc/fstab`.
    $ mount -a
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  • mount:tldr:9f8ef mount: Create a specific directory if it does not exist and mount a device to it.
    $ mount --mkdir ${path-to-device_file} ${path-to-target_directory}
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  • mount:tldr:a1329 mount: Mount a share to the "Z" drive letter.
    $ mount \\${computer_name}\${share_name} ${Z:}
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  • mount:tldr:a16bb mount: Mount a CD-ROM device (with the filetype ISO9660) to `/cdrom` (readonly).
    $ mount -t ${iso9660} -o ro ${-dev-cdrom} ${-cdrom}
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  • mount:tldr:ab178 mount: Mount a device to a directory for a specific user.
    $ mount -o uid=${user_id},gid=${group_id} ${path-to-device_file} ${path-to-target_directory}
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  • mount:tldr:e0634 mount: Mount a share and retry up to 10 times if it fails.
    $ mount -o retry=${retries} \\${computer_name}\${share_name} ${Z:}
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  • mount:tldr:e1aab mount: Mount a share as an anonymous user.
    $ mount -o anon \\${computer_name}\${share_name} ${Z:}
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  • mount:tldr:e9668 mount: Mount a directory to another directory.
    $ mount --bind ${path-to-old_dir} ${path-to-new_dir}
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  • mount:tldr:fb293 mount: Mount a device to a directory.
    $ mount -t ${filesystem_type} ${path-to-device_file} ${path-to-target_directory}
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tool overview