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mount: Mount a share with a read timeout in seconds (defaults to 0.8, can be 0.9 or 1 to 60).
$ mount -o timeout=${seconds} \\${computer_name}\${share_name} ${Z:}
try on your machine

This command is used to mount a remote network share on the local Windows machine.

Let's break down the command:

  • mount: This is the command to mount a file system or network share. It is used in this case to mount a remote network share.
  • -o timeout=${seconds}: This option specifies the timeout duration in seconds for the mount operation. It determines how long the system waits for a response from the remote computer before it times out.
  • \\${computer_name}\${share_name}: This is the network path of the remote share you want to mount. The ${computer_name} should be replaced with the actual name or IP address of the remote computer, and ${share_name} should be replaced with the name of the specific share on that computer.
  • ${Z:}: This is the local drive letter (Z in this case) where you want to map the remote share. The remote share will be accessible from this local drive letter.

So, when executing this command with the appropriate values, it will attempt to mount the specified network share on the local machine using the provided drive letter. The timeout option determines how long the system waits for a response before timing out the mount operation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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