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mount: Mount a share using a specific mount type.
$ mount -o mtype=${select} \\${computer_name}\${share_name} ${Z:}
try on your machine

This command is used to mount a network share on a Windows machine using the mount command. Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • mount: This is the command itself, used to mount filesystems or network shares in Unix-like operating systems.

  • -o: This option stands for "options", and is used to pass specific mounting options to the command.

  • mtype=${select}: This is an option passed to the -o flag. ${select} is a variable that holds a specific value, representing the type of mount to be performed.

  • \\${computer_name}\${share_name}: This is the path to the network share to be mounted. It begins with \\ followed by the computer_name, which refers to the name or IP address of the computer hosting the share. Next is the \ followed by the share_name, which represents the name of the shared folder or resource on that computer.

  • ${Z:}: This is the mount point where the network share will be mounted. ${Z:} is a variable representing the drive letter (Z:) on the Windows machine where the share will be accessible.

Overall, this command is used to mount a specific network share, located on a remote computer, to the Z: drive on a Windows machine. The type of mount to be performed is determined by the value assigned to the ${select} variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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