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msbuild: Build the first project file in the current directory.
$ msbuild
try on your machine

The command "msbuild" stands for Microsoft Build Engine. It is a command-line tool used for building, deploying, and managing projects built using Microsoft's .NET framework.

When you run the "msbuild" command followed by a project file or a solution file, it initiates the build process for that project or solution. The build process involves compiling source code files, resolving dependencies, and producing the final executable or assembly based on the specified instructions in the project file.

The "msbuild" command provides various options and parameters that can be used to customize the build process. Some of the common options include specifying the build configuration (e.g., Debug or Release), specifying the target platform (e.g., x86 or x64), enabling or disabling specific build tasks, and specifying specific targets to build.

Overall, the "msbuild" command is a powerful tool for automatizing the build process of .NET projects and solutions, allowing developers to build and deploy their applications efficiently using a command-line interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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