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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool msbuild. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


MSBuild is a command-line tool developed by Microsoft that is part of the .NET Framework. It is used to build and compile software projects, primarily targeting the .NET platform. Here are some key points about MSBuild:

  1. MSBuild is designed to handle the building and compilation process for various project types, including C#, VB.NET, F#, and more.
  2. It uses XML-based project files known as MSBuild project files (.csproj, .vbproj) to define build configurations and the dependencies of a project.
  3. It provides a flexible and extensible build system that can be customized for specific project requirements.
  4. MSBuild allows developers to define build tasks and targets, enabling automation of the build process and the execution of specific actions or operations.
  5. It supports incremental builds, which means it can identify and rebuild only the modified parts of a project, resulting in faster build times for large projects.
  6. MSBuild supports parallel builds, allowing multiple projects to be built simultaneously, maximizing the utilization of available system resources.
  7. It provides integration with various development tools, such as Visual Studio, allowing developers to build their projects from within the IDE or by using the command-line interface.
  8. MSBuild supports complex dependency management and project references, ensuring that all required dependencies are resolved and built in the correct order.
  9. It allows developers to define and execute build scripts, enabling the automation of the entire software development process.
  10. MSBuild is widely used in the Microsoft ecosystem and is a fundamental component in the build systems of many software projects, both open-source and proprietary.

List of commands for msbuild:

  • msbuild:tldr:0d850 msbuild: Set one or more semicolon-separated properties.
    $ msbuild ${path-to-project_file} /property:${name=value}
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  • msbuild:tldr:60f59 msbuild: Build a specific project file.
    $ msbuild ${path-to-project_file}
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  • msbuild:tldr:b7999 msbuild: Display detailed information at the end of the log about how the project was configured.
    $ msbuild ${path-to-project_file} /detailedsummary
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  • msbuild:tldr:e9c3f msbuild: Set one or more semicolon-separated targets to build.
    $ msbuild ${path-to-project_file} /target:${targets}
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  • msbuild:tldr:ec5bc msbuild: Set the build tools version to use.
    $ msbuild ${path-to-project_file} /toolsversion:${version}
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  • msbuild:tldr:ed9bb msbuild: Display detailed help information.
    $ msbuild /help
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  • msbuild:tldr:feb51 msbuild: Build the first project file in the current directory.
    $ msbuild
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