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multitail: Tail all files matching a pattern in a single stream.
$ multitail -Q 1 '${pattern}'
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The command multitail -Q 1 '${pattern}' is used to search and monitor multiple files simultaneously.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • multitail: This is the main command and it starts the multitail program.
  • -Q 1: This option specifies the refresh interval in seconds. In this case, -Q 1 sets the refresh interval to 1 second, meaning the output will be updated every second.
  • '${pattern}': This is the pattern that multitail will search for in the specified files. The ${pattern} placeholder needs to be replaced with the actual pattern you want to search for.

By using this command, multitail will continuously monitor the specified files, update the output at 1-second intervals, and display only the lines that match the provided pattern.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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