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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool multitail. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Multitail is a powerful command line tool designed for monitoring multiple log files simultaneously in real-time.

  1. With multitail, you can monitor logs from various sources including system logs, application logs, error logs, and more.
  2. It supports a wide range of log file formats, making it versatile for various types of applications and systems.
  3. Multitail allows you to view logs in a single window and provides color-coded highlighting for easy log file differentiation.
  4. It supports both vertical and horizontal split views, allowing you to monitor multiple logs side by side or stacked vertically.
  5. The tool provides options for filtering and searching logs based on specific keywords or regular expressions, enabling efficient log analysis.
  6. Multitail offers real-time updates, displaying new log entries as they are appended to the log file without needing to refresh the view manually.
  7. It supports merging log files, enabling you to combine multiple log files into a single view for more convenient monitoring.
  8. Multitail supports custom log file formatting, allowing you to define log file patterns for systems that deviate from standard formats.
  9. It provides built-in support for compressed log files, making it easy to monitor logs that are stored in gzip or bzip2 formats.
  10. Multitail is a command line tool, which means it can be easily integrated into scripts and automated processes, enhancing system monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities.

List of commands for multitail:

  • multitail:tldr:12afd multitail: Tail all files matching a pattern in a single stream.
    $ multitail -Q 1 '${pattern}'
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  • multitail:tldr:9e1ff multitail: Tail all files in a directory in a single stream.
    $ multitail -Q 1 '${path-to-directory}/*'
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  • multitail:tldr:d195b multitail: Show 5 logfiles while merging 2 and put them in 2 columns with only one in the left column.
    $ multitail -s 2 -sn 1,3 ${mergefile} -I ${file1} ${file2} ${file3} ${file4}
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  • multitail:tldr:f5f3d multitail: Automatically add new files to a window.
    $ multitail -Q ${pattern}
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