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namei: Don't follow symlinks while resolving.
$ namei --nosymlinks ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}
try on your machine

The command namei --nosymlinks ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c} is used to display the path resolution process of the given files or directories.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • namei: It is the name of the command-line tool being executed.
  • --nosymlinks: It is an option passed to the namei command. This option disables the resolution of symbolic links during the path traversal. It means that symbolic links encountered in the paths will be treated as regular files or directories, and their targets will not be followed.
  • ${path-to-a}, ${path-to-b}, ${path-to-c}: These are placeholders for the actual file or directory paths that you would substitute in the command. You need to provide the specific paths to the files or directories you want to analyze.

When you run the command, namei will display the path resolution process for each specified path. It shows the components of the path, starting from the root directory ("/"), and indicates whether each component is a directory or a symbolic link. Additionally, it indicates the inode number and the permission mode of each component.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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