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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool namei. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Namei is a command line tool available in Unix-like operating systems that allows users to obtain information regarding the path to a specific file or directory. By providing the file or directory name as an argument, namei displays the complete path, along with permissions and ownership details, for each component in the given path. This tool is primarily utilized for debugging purposes or to gain a better understanding of the file system hierarchy. It identifies symbolic links along the path and reveals the actual files or directories they point to. Moreover, namei can also display information related to mount points, indicating the file system on which the file or directory resides. This command line tool is convenient for troubleshooting permission issues or locating the source of a specific file or directory.

List of commands for namei:

  • namei:tldr:0a15e namei: Display the results in a long-listing format.
    $ namei --long ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}
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  • namei:tldr:67b19 namei: Show owner and group name of each file.
    $ namei --owners ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}
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  • namei:tldr:6f09e namei: Resolve the pathnames specified as the argument parameters.
    $ namei ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}
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  • namei:tldr:d8c77 namei: Don't follow symlinks while resolving.
    $ namei --nosymlinks ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}
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  • namei:tldr:f012f namei: Show the mode bits of each file type in the style of `ls`.
    $ namei --modes ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}
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tool overview