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namei: Show the mode bits of each file type in the style of `ls`.
$ namei --modes ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c}
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The namei command is a utility used in Unix-like operating systems to display file path resolution and permissions information. It takes multiple path arguments and provides detailed information about each path.

The command you provided namei --modes ${path-to-a} ${path-to-b} ${path-to-c} has the following components:

  • namei: The name of the command itself.

  • --modes: This is an option or flag for the namei command. It specifies that the command should display the mode or permissions information for each path.

  • ${path-to-a}, ${path-to-b}, ${path-to-c}: These are the path arguments passed to the namei command. Replace ${path-to-a}, ${path-to-b}, and ${path-to-c} with actual file or directory paths. The command will display the mode/permissions information for each of these paths.

By executing the command, you will get the mode/permissions details for the specified paths ${path-to-a}, ${path-to-b}, and ${path-to-c}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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