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List of commands for nasm:

  • nasm:tldr:02fc3 nasm: Add a directory (must be written with trailing slash) to the include file search path before assembling.
    $ nasm -i ${path-to-include_dir-} ${source-asm}
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  • nasm:tldr:038a1 nasm: Assemble `source.asm` into a binary file `source`, in the (default) raw binary format.
    $ nasm ${source-asm}
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  • nasm:tldr:1f761 nasm: List valid output formats (along with basic nasm help).
    $ nasm -hf
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  • nasm:tldr:47979 nasm: Assemble and generate an assembly listing file.
    $ nasm -l ${list_file} ${source-asm}
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  • nasm:tldr:9299b nasm: Assemble `source.asm` into a binary file `output_file`, in the specified format.
    $ nasm -f ${format} ${source-asm} -o ${output_file}
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