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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nasm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


NASM, short for Netwide Assembler, is a popular command line tool used to write assembly language programs. It is primarily used for x86 and x86-64 architectures, but can also handle other platforms such as ARM and MIPS. NASM is known for its simplicity and efficiency, making it a favorite choice for those who want full control over the machine code generated.

One key feature of NASM is its ability to produce highly optimized code, allowing developers to write programs that are both fast and compact. It supports various assembly syntax options, including both legacy and modern styles, making it flexible and adaptable to different coding styles.

NASM also provides robust macro support, allowing developers to use macros to simplify repetitive tasks and enhance code readability. It supports conditional assembly, allowing certain code sections to be included or excluded based on specific conditions. Additionally, NASM supports various output formats, such as raw binary, executable files, object files, and even DLLs or shared libraries.

NASM comes with a comprehensive set of instructions and directives, allowing developers to access low-level system operations and hardware features. It also includes powerful debugging features, such as line number information, which aids in the identification and resolution of errors.

The tool supports a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it versatile for multi-platform development. NASM has a large and active community of users who provide support, resources, and tutorials to help new users get started.

In conclusion, NASM is a flexible and efficient command line tool for writing assembly language programs. It offers advanced optimization techniques, flexible syntax options, robust macro support, and comprehensive instruction sets, making it an excellent choice for low-level programming and system development.

List of commands for nasm:

  • nasm:tldr:02fc3 nasm: Add a directory (must be written with trailing slash) to the include file search path before assembling.
    $ nasm -i ${path-to-include_dir-} ${source-asm}
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  • nasm:tldr:038a1 nasm: Assemble `source.asm` into a binary file `source`, in the (default) raw binary format.
    $ nasm ${source-asm}
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  • nasm:tldr:1f761 nasm: List valid output formats (along with basic nasm help).
    $ nasm -hf
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  • nasm:tldr:47979 nasm: Assemble and generate an assembly listing file.
    $ nasm -l ${list_file} ${source-asm}
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  • nasm:tldr:9299b nasm: Assemble `source.asm` into a binary file `output_file`, in the specified format.
    $ nasm -f ${format} ${source-asm} -o ${output_file}
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