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Display version information about NativeScript.
$ ns info
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The command "ns info" is a command typically used in networking contexts, specifically for querying the details of a domain name server (DNS) within a DNS hierarchy.

When you run the command "ns info," it is commonly interpreted by a DNS client or a network administrator's tool. The specific behavior of the command may vary depending on the tool or software being used. However, in general, it is used to retrieve information about a specific DNS server, such as its IP address, hostname, version, and other details.

By requesting the "ns info" command, you are essentially asking for information about a particular DNS server. This information can then be useful in troubleshooting network issues, verifying server configurations, or simply understanding the details of the DNS infrastructure.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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