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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ns. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


ns is an event-driven network simulator. An extensible simulation engine is implemented in C++ that uses MIT's Object Tool Command Language, OTcl (an object oriented version of Tcl) as the command and configuration interface. A previous version of the simulator i.e. ns version 1 used the Tool Command Language, Tcl as the configuration language. The current version still supports simulation scripts written in Tcl meant for the ns version 1 simulator.

List of commands for ns:

  • nativescript:platform:add Configure your current NativeScript project to target the selected platform.
    $ ns platform add ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:0e265 Display version information about NativeScript.
    $ ns info
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  • nativescript:warp:0e647 Run unit tests on your NativeScript project.
    $ ns test ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:25538 List applications installed on a device using NativeScript CLI.
    $ ns device list-applications
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  • nativescript:warp:3bf33 Configure NativeScript command-line autocompletion.
    $ ns autocomplete ${command}
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  • nativescript:warp:4738f List all recognized connected devices using NativeScript CLI.
    $ ns device ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:4982f Update Nativescript dependencies to the latest version.
    $ ns update ${version}
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  • nativescript:warp:51a23 Lists all platforms that your NativeScript project currently targets.
    $ ns platform list
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  • nativescript:warp:52280 Configure NativeScript CLI usage reporting.
    $ ns usage-reporting
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  • nativescript:warp:57c85 Display proxy settings of the NativeScript CLI.
    $ ns proxy
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  • nativescript:warp:5cb4a Check Nativescript system's configuration.
    $ ns doctor ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:6a843 Remove the selected platform from your NativeScript project.
    $ ns platform remove ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:6b737 Generate platform's (iOS and/or Android) typings for your NativeScript project.
    $ ns typings ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:7248a List all application records in iTunes Connect using NativeScript CLI.
    $ ns appstore ${apple_id} ${password}
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  • nativescript:warp:74184 Configure NativeScript CLI error reporting.
    $ ns error-reporting
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  • nativescript:warp:74ce3 Install dependencies for your NativeScript project.
    $ ns install ${module}
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  • nativescript:warp:81b1a Clean your NativeScript project artifacts.
    $ ns clean
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  • nativescript:warp:8fa22 Build your NativeScript project for Android or iOS.
    $ ns build ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:97a13 Configures your NativeScript project for unit testing with a selected framework.
    $ ns test init ${framework}
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  • nativescript:warp:aed49 Open the device log stream using NativeScript CLI.
    $ ns device log
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  • nativescript:warp:bd66d Update the NativeScript runtime for the specified platform.
    $ ns platform update ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:bf36d Initiate a debugging session for your NativeScript project.
    $ ns debug ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:c0ea2 Manage Plugins in your NativeScript project.
    $ ns plugin ${command}
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  • nativescript:warp:cbba5 Upload NativeScript project to iTunes Connect.
    $ ns appstore upload ${apple_id} ${password} ${mobile_provisioning_profile_identifier} ${code_sign_identity}
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  • nativescript:warp:cc68e Show information about the NativeScript CLI commands in the browser.
    $ ns help ${command}
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  • nativescript:warp:ce87f Create a NativeScript app.
    $ ns create ${app_name}
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  • nativescript:warp:d55fc Generate all icons for Android and iOS platforms for your NativeScript project.
    $ ns resources generate icons ${path_to_image}
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  • nativescript:warp:de3d2 Run the selected NativeScript application on a connected device.
    $ ns run ${application_id}
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  • nativescript:warp:e93dd Show current package manager using NativeScript CLI.
    $ ns package-manager
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  • nativescript:warp:e9ef6 Prepare, build and deploy your NativeScript project to a connected device or native emulator.
    $ ns deploy ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:ef2e0 Update the App_Resources's folder structure in your NativeScript project.
    $ ns resources update ${platform}
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  • nativescript:warp:f2c9c Migrate Nativescript dependencies to the latest version.
    $ ns migrate
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  • nativescript:warp:f3dda Generate all splashscreens for Android and iOS platforms for your NativeScript project.
    $ ns resources generate splashes ${path_to_image}
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tool overview