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Configure NativeScript CLI error reporting.
$ ns error-reporting
try on your machine

The command "ns error-reporting" is not a specific command that can be explained without more context. In general, the "ns" part could refer to a variety of different software or systems, such as network simulation (ns-3), name servers (nslookup), or network scripting (ns).

Similarly, "error-reporting" can pertain to different functionalities depending on the software or system being referred to. It could involve reporting and logging error messages, generating error reports for analysis, or configuring error-handling mechanisms within a particular system.

To provide a more detailed explanation, please provide additional information about the specific software or system in question or the context in which this command is being used.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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