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Build your NativeScript project for Android or iOS.
$ ns build ${platform}
try on your machine

This command is seen in some configuration or build scripts and is used to execute a build process specific to a certain platform.

The command ns build is generally associated with a build tool or a build system. The "ns" part could be an abbreviation for a specific build tool (e.g., Node.js or NativeScript). It indicates that the command is related to building or compiling code.

The ${platform} part is a placeholder or variable. It will be replaced with the name of the specific platform for which the build process should be executed. The actual platform name could be anything, such as "android," "ios," "web," "windows," etc., depending on the context.

For example, if you have a build script that needs to build an application for both Android and iOS platforms, you can use this command twice, replacing ${platform} with "android" and "ios" respectively to generate the builds for each platform:

ns build android
ns build ios

In this case, the build tool or build system will execute the necessary steps to build the application specifically for Android and iOS platforms using the provided platform name.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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