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Show current package manager using NativeScript CLI.
$ ns package-manager
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The command "ns package-manager" is a command typically used in the context of the Node.js ecosystem.

"ns" refers to the "Node.js command-line Shell" or "Nest CLI", which is a command-line interface tool for creating and managing Node.js applications.

"package-manager" is an argument passed to the "ns" command, indicating that you want to perform actions related to package management.

The "package-manager" command can be used to interact with the Node.js package manager, npm (Node Package Manager), for managing dependencies and packages within a Node.js project. It allows you to install, update, remove, and list packages and their dependencies.

For example, some common actions with the "ns package-manager" command are:

  • "ns package-manager install": This command installs all the dependencies specified in the project's package.json file.

  • "ns package-manager update": This command updates all the installed packages to their latest versions.

  • "ns package-manager remove [package-name]": This command removes a specific package from the project.

  • "ns package-manager list": This command lists all the installed packages in the project along with their respective versions.

It's important to note that the "ns package-manager" command is specific to the particular command-line interface or tool you are using, and may not be available or have the same functionality in all Node.js development environments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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