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Migrate Nativescript dependencies to the latest version.
$ ns migrate
try on your machine

The command "ns migrate" is an abbreviation for "namespace migrate" and is used in computer systems to migrate a namespace.

A namespace is a container that holds a set of names used to organize and identify entities in a computer system, such as variables, functions, files, or other resources. Namespace migration refers to the process of moving or transferring a namespace from one location to another.

The "ns migrate" command is typically used in systems that handle namespaces, such as distributed file systems or virtualization platforms. It allows administrators or users to initiate the migration of a namespace, which involves transferring the associated resources and updating references to the new location.

The specific behavior and usage of the "ns migrate" command may vary depending on the system or software being used. It may require additional parameters or options to specify the source and destination of the migration, as well as any specific settings or configurations. It is important to consult the relevant documentation or help resources for the specific system or software to understand the full functionality and usage of the "ns migrate" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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