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ned: Replace changing case.
$ ned '${([a-z]+) dog}' --case-replacements --replace '${\U$1\E! dog}' --stdout ${-}
try on your machine

This command is using the program "ned" to perform a search and replace operation on some text files. Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • ned: It is the name of the program or command used for searching and replacing text.
  • '$'{([a-z]+) dog}': This is the regular expression pattern to search for. It is enclosed within single quotes ('$' is used to prevent shell expansion) and defines a group of lowercase letters ([a-z]+) followed by the word 'dog'.
  • --case-replacements: This option tells the 'ned' command to consider case replacements during the search and replace operation. For example, it will match 'dog' as well as 'Dog' or 'DOG'.
  • --replace '$'{\U$1\E! dog}': This is the replacement pattern to substitute matches found by the regular expression. It uses the group captured by ([a-z]+) and modifies it to uppercase using the '\U' command before and the '\E' command after the group reference. The '! dog' part is added at the end for the replacement text.
  • --stdout: This option instructs the 'ned' command to output the modified text to the standard output (the terminal or console) instead of modifying the original file.
  • ${-}: It represents the command-line argument, typically a file. It tells the 'ned' command to read the content from the file specified in the command-line argument for processing.

Overall, this command performs a search for lowercase words followed by the word 'dog', replaces each match with an uppercase version of the word followed by "! dog", and outputs the modified text to the standard output.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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