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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ned. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"Ned" is a command line tool that provides a range of powerful text editing capabilities. It is designed to be a lightweight and efficient text editor that can be used directly from the command line interface. Ned supports features such as searching and replacing text, inserting or deleting lines, copying and pasting selected text, and navigating through files easily.

The tool supports regular expressions for robust and flexible searching and replacing operations. It also allows users to edit multiple files simultaneously by specifying file names as arguments. Ned provides a user-friendly and intuitive interface with simple commands for performing various editing tasks.

It has a "vi-like" mode, which gives users the ability to navigate and edit text using the familiar vi keybindings. Ned supports both interactive and non-interactive modes of operation, making it suitable for use in scripts and automated tasks.

The tool can be customized through configuration files, allowing users to define their preferred settings and keybindings. It also provides options for saving changes to files or discarding them, ensuring that the user has control over the editing process. Ned is an open-source project and is available for various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

List of commands for ned:

  • ned:tldr:2563b ned: Simple replace.
    $ ned '${dog}' --replace '${cat}' ${-}
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  • ned:tldr:80c1e ned: Replace changing case.
    $ ned '${([a-z]+) dog}' --case-replacements --replace '${\U$1\E! dog}' --stdout ${-}
    try on your machine
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  • ned:tldr:873d1 ned: Search always showing colored output.
    $ ned --colors '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
    try on your machine
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  • ned:tldr:8d971 ned: Search ignoring certain files.
    $ ned --recursive --exclude '${*-htm}' '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
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  • ned:tldr:90cf0 ned: Preview results of a find and replace without updating the target files.
    $ ned '${^[sb]ad}' --replace '${happy}' --stdout ${-}
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  • ned:tldr:b16d4 ned: Search never showing colored output.
    $ ned --colors=never '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
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  • ned:tldr:fc71c ned: Recursively search starting in the current directory, ignoring case.
    $ ned --ignore-case --recursive '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
    try on your machine
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tool overview