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ned: Search ignoring certain files.
$ ned --recursive --exclude '${*-htm}' '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
try on your machine

The given command is using the "ned" command in a specific way. Here is the explanation of each part:

  • ned: It is the name of the command or program that is being executed.

  • --recursive: This option tells the "ned" command to perform the specified action recursively, meaning it will also include subdirectories.

  • --exclude '${*-htm}': This option specifies an exclusion pattern to be applied during the command execution. The pattern is ${*-htm}, which means any file or directory name ending in "-htm" will be excluded from processing.

  • '${^[dl]og}': This part is a regular expression pattern that the command will use to filter files or directories. It matches any name that starts with "d" or "l" and is followed by "og". For example, it would match "dog" or "log", but not "cat" or "blog". The single quotes around the expression '${^[dl]og}' are used to prevent the expansion of the expression and pass it as a literal value to the command.

  • ${-}: This represents the command-line arguments passed to the script or command, specifically the ones passed to the current shell.

Overall, this command is instructing the "ned" program to recursively process files and directories (excluding any ending with "-htm"), while only considering those with names starting with "d" or "l" and followed by "og". The ${-} is used to pass command-line arguments to the script, but it would depend on how the command is being used or called.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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