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ned: Preview results of a find and replace without updating the target files.
$ ned '${^[sb]ad}' --replace '${happy}' --stdout ${-}
try on your machine

The command you provided seems to be using the ned utility, which is a text editor. Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. ned: This is the command to execute the ned utility.

  2. ${^[sb]ad}: This is a regular expression pattern enclosed in ${ }. It is intended to match any word that starts with either "sad" or "bad". The ^ symbol inside the square brackets [ ] means "start of the line," while [sb] indicates either "s" or "b". So, this pattern will find words like "sad," "sand," "bad," or "bag."

  3. --replace '${happy}': This option instructs ned to replace the matched pattern with the text ${happy}.

  4. --stdout: This option tells ned to write the modified text to the standard output instead of modifying a file directly.

  5. ${-}: It is using the value of the current shell's option flags, which are represented by ${-}. These flags could include different configurations and settings.

In summary, the provided command is likely using the ned utility to find any words starting with "sad" or "bad" and replace them with "${happy}". The modified text is then outputted to the standard output. The ${-} is used to reference the current shell's option flags.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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