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ned: Search never showing colored output.
$ ned --colors=never '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
try on your machine

This command appears to use the ned command and some additional parameters. Here's an explanation of each part:

  • ned is likely the name of a command or script that is being executed.
  • --colors=never is a parameter passed to ned, specifying that colorization should not be used for any output. This means that the output will not be shown with different colors for different text or highlighting.
  • ${^[dl]og} is likely a regular expression pattern. The use of ${...} suggests that it is being expanded or evaluated as a variable. The pattern ^[dl]og matches strings that start with either "d" or "l" followed by "og". For example, it would match "dog" or "log". The purpose of this pattern in the command is unclear without more context.
  • ${-} is also a variable that is being expanded or evaluated. It likely represents the command-line arguments passed to the current shell or script. - usually represents the current shell's options or flags. So, ${-} could potentially refer to the command-line options or flags passed to ned or the current shell, depending on the context.

Overall, without more information about the specific use case or the purpose of the ned command and its parameters, it is difficult to provide a more precise explanation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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