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ned: Recursively search starting in the current directory, ignoring case.
$ ned --ignore-case --recursive '${^[dl]og}' ${-}
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This is a command that uses the "ned" utility tool with specific options and arguments.

The "ned" command is typically used for searching and editing files. It can be used to find files that match a specific pattern or criteria and perform actions on them.

In this case, the command is written as follows:

ned --ignore-case --recursive '${^[dl]og}' ${-}

Let's break it down:

  • ned: This is the main command that executes the "ned" utility.

  • --ignore-case: This is an option or flag that tells "ned" to ignore case sensitivity when searching for files. For example, if the pattern is "log", it will match "log", "LOG", "Log", etc.

  • --recursive: This option indicates that the search should be performed recursively, going through all subdirectories from the current location.

  • ${^[dl]og}: This is a pattern or regular expression that specifies the criteria for the files to be matched. It uses the syntax ${pattern} where pattern indicates the pattern to be matched. In this case, the pattern is [dl]og, which means it will match any file that starts with either "d" or "l" followed by "og". For example, it will match "dog", "log", "Log", "ldog", etc.

  • ${-}: This signifies that the files to be examined are the ones specified as command-line arguments. The ${-} is a way to reference all the command-line arguments passed to the script or command.

To summarize, this command searches for files in a recursive manner, ignoring case sensitivity. It matches files that start with "d" or "l" followed by "og" and performs a specific action on them using the "ned" utility.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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