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netlify: Deploy the contents of a directory to Netlify.
$ netlify deploy
try on your machine

The command "netlify deploy" is used to deploy a website or web application to the Netlify hosting platform.

Netlify is a cloud-based platform that simplifies the process of deploying and managing websites. It offers various features like continuous integration, automatic deployment from git repositories, custom domain setup, SSL certificates, and more.

To deploy a site using "netlify deploy," you first need to have an active Netlify account and a site configured on the platform. Once you have these in place, you can use the command to deploy your site from a local development environment to Netlify.

When you run the "netlify deploy" command, it performs the following steps:

  1. Builds your site: Netlify will build your site by running the build command specified in the project's configuration file (like package.json or netlify.toml). This step is necessary to generate the static files of your website.

  2. Deploys your site: Once the build process completes, Netlify uploads the generated static files to its servers, making your site accessible to the public. Netlify will provide you with a URL (like where you can view your deployed site.

Additionally, the "netlify deploy" command allows you to pass options or flags to customize the deployment process. For example, you can specify a directory to deploy, trigger a draft deployment, provide a deploy message, or configure environmental variables.

Overall, the "netlify deploy" command simplifies the process of deploying a website to Netlify, making it quicker and more efficient than traditional deployment methods.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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