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netlify: Start a local dev server.
$ netlify dev
try on your machine

The command "netlify dev" is used to start a local development server provided by Netlify.

When executed, this command sets up a development environment on your local machine to simulate the same functionalities of a live Netlify hosting environment. It allows you to test and preview your site or application locally before deploying it to a production environment.

The "netlify dev" command automatically detects and configures the necessary settings for your project by looking for a Netlify configuration file (netlify.toml) in the project directory. It sets up local routing, redirects, and serverless function support based on the configuration defined in the file.

By running "netlify dev", you can test your site or application while taking advantage of features like serverless functions, form submissions, environment variables, and local redirects. This helps verify that everything is functioning as expected and identify any potential issues, enabling you to make necessary adjustments before deploying your project to production.

Overall, "netlify dev" simplifies the local development experience by setting up a local server environment that closely mimics the behavior of a live Netlify hosting environment, allowing you to iterate and develop your project more efficiently.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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