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Show which tool is opening which port.
$ netstat -tulpn
try on your machine

The command "netstat -tulpn" is used to display active network connections, both incoming and outgoing, and their status on a Linux system. Here is what each option in the command means: - "n" means numeric display of addresses and ports instead of resolving host and service names

  • "p" shows the process ID and name that is associated with each connection
  • "l" shows only listening sockets
  • "t" shows TCP connections
  • "u" shows UDP connections So, when you run the command "netstat -tulpn", you will get a list of all the active TCP and UDP connections along with the associated process ID and name which are listening on certain ports.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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