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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool netstat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The netstat command generates displays that show network status and protocol statistics. You can display the status of TCP and UDP endpoints in table format, routing table information, and interface information.

List of commands for netstat:

  • netstat:tldr:014a2 netstat: List information continuously.
    $ netstat --continuous
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  • netstat:tldr:02649 netstat: List all ports.
    $ netstat --all
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  • netstat:tldr:0b2f3 netstat: Display statistics by protocol.
    $ netstat -s
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  • netstat:tldr:4417b netstat: Display active TCP connections and express addresses and port numbers numerically.
    $ netstat -n
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  • netstat:tldr:4985b netstat: Display network adapter statistics, such as the number of bytes and packets sent and received.
    $ netstat -e
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  • netstat:tldr:57db5 netstat: Display all active TCP connections and the TCP and UDP ports on which the computer is listening.
    $ netstat -a
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  • netstat:tldr:6d49c netstat: Display PID and program names.
    $ netstat --program
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  • netstat:tldr:7ce08 netstat: Display a list of currently open ports and related IP addresses.
    $ netstat -an
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  • netstat:tldr:888ce netstat: List all listening ports.
    $ netstat --listening
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  • netstat:tldr:960c0 netstat: Display active TCP connections.
    $ netstat
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  • netstat:tldr:96c65 netstat: List listening TCP and UDP ports (+ user and process if you're root).
    $ netstat --listening --program --numeric --tcp --udp --extend
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  • netstat:tldr:9e738 netstat: List routes and do not resolve IP addresses to hostnames.
    $ netstat --route --numeric
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  • netstat:tldr:b3eb0 netstat: List listening TCP ports.
    $ netstat --tcp
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  • netstat:tldr:bacc1 netstat: Display active TCP connections and include the process ID (PID) for each connection.
    $ netstat -o
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  • netstat:tldr:c85b6 netstat: Display the contents of the IP routing table.
    $ netstat -r
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  • network:ports Show which tool is opening which port.
    $ netstat -tulpn
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tool overview