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networkctl: Renew dynamic configurations (e.g. IP addresses received from a DHCP server).
$ networkctl renew ${interface1 interface2 ---}
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The command "networkctl renew ${interface1 interface2 ---}" is used to renew the DHCP lease for one or more network interfaces. Here's a breakdown of the different parts of the command: - "networkctl": This is the command-line tool used to manage and query the systemd network manager.

  • "renew": This option instructs networkctl to renew the DHCP lease for the specified network interfaces.
  • "${interface1 interface2 ---}": This is a placeholder for the names of one or more network interfaces that you want to renew the DHCP lease for. You need to replace "interface1", "interface2", and the "---" with the actual names of the interfaces. For example, you could have "eth0 eth1" as the arguments to renew the DHCP lease for both the "eth0" and "eth1" interfaces. To use the command, you would replace "${interface1 interface2 ---}" with the actual names of the network interfaces you want to renew the DHCP lease for. For example: networkctl renew eth0 or ``` networkctl renew eth0 eth1
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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