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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool networkctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Networkctl is a command-line tool that is used for controlling and monitoring the network connections on a Linux-based operating system. It is part of the systemd suite and provides extensive information and management capabilities for network interfaces, routes, and addresses. With networkctl, users can retrieve detailed information about their network connections, including the status, type, and hardware address of each interface. It also allows users to modify the configuration of their network connections, such as enabling or disabling network interfaces, changing their names, or configuring IP addresses. The tool provides real-time monitoring of network connections, displaying statistics such as the amount of data transmitted and received. Additionally, networkctl provides diagnostic information like logs and errors, making it a helpful tool for troubleshooting network-related issues. Overall, networkctl provides a comprehensive and versatile interface for managing and monitoring network connections from the command line.

List of commands for networkctl:

  • networkctl:tldr:252ef networkctl: Show an overall network status.
    $ networkctl status
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  • networkctl:tldr:5a6b0 networkctl: Reload configuration files (.netdev and .network).
    $ networkctl reload
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  • networkctl:tldr:61604 networkctl: Renew dynamic configurations (e.g. IP addresses received from a DHCP server).
    $ networkctl renew ${interface1 interface2 ---}
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  • networkctl:tldr:8caaa networkctl: Bring network devices down.
    $ networkctl down ${interface1 interface2 ---}
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  • networkctl:tldr:a2d7c networkctl: Show a list of existing links and their status.
    $ networkctl list
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  • networkctl:tldr:c0e7c networkctl: Bring network devices up.
    $ networkctl up ${interface1 interface2 ---}
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  • networkctl:tldr:cd474 networkctl: Reconfigure network interfaces (if you edited the config, you need to call `networkctl reload` first).
    $ networkctl reconfigure ${interface1 interface2 ---}
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