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networkctl: Reconfigure network interfaces (if you edited the config, you need to call `networkctl reload` first).
$ networkctl reconfigure ${interface1 interface2 ---}
try on your machine

The networkctl reconfigure command is used to manually trigger the reconfiguration of one or more network interfaces.

The ${interface1 interface2 ...} part of the command is called a parameter expansion or brace expansion. It allows you to specify one or more interface names separated by spaces.

So, in this command, you need to replace ${interface1 interface2 ---} with the actual names of the interfaces you want to reconfigure. For example, if you want to reconfigure two interfaces named eth0 and wlan0, the command would be:

networkctl reconfigure eth0 wlan0

This command will then trigger the reconfiguration process for the specified interfaces, which may involve updating network settings, applying changes, restarting interfaces, or performing other related tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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