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newsboat: Execute a space-separated list of commands in non-interactive mode.
$ newsboat -x ${reload print-unread ---}
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The command newsboat -x ${reload print-unread ---} is used to send a command to the newsboat tool.

Explanation of the individual components:

  • newsboat: It is the command used to launch the newsboat program. newsboat is an open-source feed reader that enables users to read news from various online sources using RSS and Atom feeds.
  • -x: This option is used to execute a command within newsboat.
  • ${reload print-unread ---}: It is the actual command being executed within newsboat, enclosed in curly braces.

Explanation of the executed command ${reload print-unread ---}:

  • reload: It is a command in newsboat that updates the list of available news feeds and fetches any new articles or updates.
  • print-unread: This command is used to display a list of unread articles. It will print the titles and details of the articles that have not been read yet.
  • ---: The three hyphens (---) at the end of the command are provided as separators to indicate the end of the command parameters.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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