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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool newsboat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Newsboat is a powerful command-line RSS feed reader that allows users to efficiently read and organize their news and blog subscriptions. It is designed to run in a terminal, making it particularly useful for those who prefer a lightweight and text-based interface for their news consumption.

With Newsboat, users can subscribe to their favorite RSS, Atom, or OPML feeds, and it fetches the latest updates for them. It offers various customization options, such as allowing users to define keyboard shortcuts and customize the appearance using color schemes.

Newsboat provides a clean and intuitive interface, enabling users to navigate through articles, mark them as read or unread, star or tag them for organization, and even save them for offline reading. It also supports filtering and searching capabilities, making it easier to find specific articles or keywords within the subscribed feeds.

Furthermore, Newsboat supports downloading of podcasts and multimedia content embedded in articles. It integrates with external tools like mpv and youtube-dl, allowing users to view or listen to the content directly from the feed reader.

Newsboat is highly configurable, with numerous options available for fine-tuning the reading experience. Users can customize the update frequency, enable or disable certain features, and even define rules for automatically marking articles based on keywords.

Being a command-line tool, Newsboat is lightweight, fast, and can be easily scripted or automated. It can be used in conjunction with other command-line utilities for advanced workflows, such as sending articles to external services, archiving them, or integrating them into a personalized news aggregator.

Newsboat is open-source software and is available for various Unix-like systems, including Linux, BSD, and macOS. It is actively maintained and has a vibrant community that contributes to its development and shares configurations and tips.

Overall, Newsboat provides a robust and efficient way to consume news and stay updated with the latest articles and blog posts using a command-line interface. Its simplicity, customizability, and powerful feature set make it a popular choice among command-line enthusiasts and productivity seekers.

List of commands for newsboat:

  • newsboat:tldr:2b4ed newsboat: First import feed URLs from an OPML file.
    $ newsboat -i ${my-feeds-xml}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • newsboat:tldr:a6950 newsboat: Start newsboat and refresh all feeds on startup.
    $ newsboat -r
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • newsboat:tldr:cc2b5 newsboat: Execute a space-separated list of commands in non-interactive mode.
    $ newsboat -x ${reload print-unread ---}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview