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nfsstat: Display the recorded number of calls made to the NFS server.
$ nfsstat
try on your machine

The nfsstat command is used to display statistics related to Network File System (NFS) operations on a Linux or Unix system. NFS is a protocol that allows file sharing across different machines on a network.

When you run the nfsstat command, it provides various statistics and information about the NFS operations happening on your system, including:

  1. Client statistics: It shows the number of bytes sent/received, RPC (Remote Procedure Call) retries, retransmissions, timeouts, and errors for each NFS client connected to the system.

  2. Server statistics: It displays similar statistics as the client, but for the NFS server running on the system. This includes information on the number of read/write requests, cache hits, and errors.

  3. Version-specific information: It provides details on NFS protocol versions supported by the system, such as NFSv2, NFSv3, and NFSv4.

  4. Exported file systems: It lists the directories or file systems that are currently shared/exported via NFS on the system.

By analyzing the statistics output from nfsstat, system administrators can gain insights into the performance, usage, and potential issues with NFS operations, helping them troubleshoot and optimize the NFS configuration and environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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