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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool nfsstat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Nfsstat is a command line tool used in Unix-like operating systems to obtain statistics about NFS (Network File System) server and client performance. It provides detailed information about NFS activities and performance metrics.

By running the nfsstat command, users can view the number of read and write requests, as well as the average size of these requests. Additionally, it displays file and directory attributes, such as the number of lookups, creates, and removes.

The tool also provides information on how many NFS calls were made, the total number of bytes transferred, and the success or failure status of these operations.

Nfsstat can show data regarding the number of NFS protocol versions used, network errors encountered, and the rate at which NFS processes are executing.

Furthermore, it offers details about the server's reply cache and the number of cache hits or misses. These statistics assist system administrators in analyzing NFS performance, diagnosing potential issues, and identifying areas for improvement.

By regularly using nfsstat, administrators can assess the overall health and efficiency of their NFS infrastructure, ensuring optimal performance and reliable file sharing across the network.

List of commands for nfsstat:

  • nfsstat:tldr:47ef7 nfsstat: Reset the recorded number of calls made to the NFS server.
    $ nfsstat -z
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • nfsstat:tldr:fdced nfsstat: Display the recorded number of calls made to the NFS server.
    $ nfsstat
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview