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nix-classic: Update the channels (repositories).
$ nix-channel --update
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The nix-channel --update command is used in the Nix package manager to update the channel definitions on your system.

A channel in Nix represents a repository or a source of packages. These channels provide pre-built packages that you can easily install on your system. When you add a channel to your Nix configuration, it becomes aware of that particular repository and can retrieve packages from it.

The nix-channel --update command instructs Nix to update the channel definitions by fetching the latest information from the configured channels. This means it will check for updates in the channel repository, including new packages, updates to existing packages, or changes in the channel itself.

Running nix-channel --update will not update the packages installed on your system but rather refreshes the metadata about available packages. After running this command, you can run nix-env -u to update the packages installed on your system based on the latest channel information.

It is recommended to regularly update the channel definitions to have access to the latest packages and ensure that your system is up to date.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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