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nms: Clear the screen before decrypting.
$ ${command} | nms -a -c
try on your machine

This command involves two parts:

  1. ${command}: This is a placeholder for an actual command. The value of ${command} should be replaced with the specific command you want to execute.

  2. | nms -a -c: This part of the command utilizes a pipe (|) to pass the output of the previous command as input to the nms command. The nms command is usually used for network monitoring and management. The options used in this command are:

  • -a: This option tells nms to automatically handle any alerts or notifications that might come from the command's output.

  • -c: This option instructs nms to capture and display any additional output or information from the command.

Overall, this command runs a specific command (represented by ${command}) and then pipes its output to the nms command for further monitoring and management.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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