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node: Evaluate and print the result, useful to print node's dependencies versions.
$ node -p "process.versions"
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The command node -p "process.versions" allows you to retrieve the versions of various dependencies and modules associated with the Node.js runtime.

Here is a breakdown of the command structure:

  • node refers to the Node.js runtime.
  • -p (or --print) is a flag that tells Node.js to evaluate and print the given JavaScript code or expression.
  • "process.versions" represents the JavaScript code to be executed. In this case, it accesses the versions property of the process object, which contains information about the versions of Node.js and its dependencies.

When you run this command, Node.js will execute the JavaScript expression process.versions, and you will see an output displaying the versions of various components like Node.js, V8 (JavaScript engine), and other dependencies that are bundled with Node.js.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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